Tehri Garhwal has a pleasant temperate climate throughout the year . The maximum Tehri Garhwal temperature rises to about 36°C and the minimum temperature falls to about -2°C.
The best time to visit Tehri Garhwal is between March - June and Sept - Oct. The table below shows monthwise weather in Tehri Garhwal
Tehri Garhwal Weather Monthwise
- January20°C(max) -2°C(min) Winter - Cold - Snowfall
- February 22°C(max) -1°C(min) Winter - Cold - Snowfall
- March 26°C(max) 11°C(min) Summer - Pleasant - Best Season
- April 34°C(max) 20°C(min) Summer Pleasant - Best Season
- May 36°C(max) 23°C(min) Summer Pleasant - Best Season
- June 36°C(max) 24°C(min) Summer Pleasant - Best Season
- July 34°C(max) 24°C(min) Rainy
- August 30°C(max) 25°C(min) Rainy
- September 26°C(max) 22°C(min) Rainy
- October 25°C(max) 16°C(min) Rainy - Pleasant - Best Season
- November 24°C(max) 10°C(min) Winter - Pleasant - Best Season
- December 22°C(max) 0°C(min) Winter - Cold