PantNagar Airport of PantNagar in UdhamSingh Nagar is the nearest airport at a distance of ( 55 kms ) and Kathgodam is the nearest railway station at a distance of 30 km from Bhimtal. Buses are also available from nearby cities to the place. Nainital ( 22kms ) approximately 300 km from New Delhi.
Direction: New Delhi -> Mohan Nagar -> Ghaziabad -> Moradabad (via NH – 24) -> Rampur (via NH – 87) -> Rudrapur - Haldwani - Kathgodham - Bhimtal
Bhimtal is well connected by trains to nearest destinations Kathgodam ( Kumaon Junction ) from New Delhi and other major cities. i.e Mumbai, Lucknow etc
Bhimtal is well connected by motorable roads to nearest destinations Haldwani and Almora from New Delhi ISBT Anand Vihar.
The state transport bus terminals in Uttarakhand are located just outside the railway station. They are a cheap and economical mode of transport if on budget.
Private taxi or cab fare is anywhere between 300 - 500 for a one way journey from Kathgodam to Bhimtal.
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